When One Heals the Mother Wound

Exploring Patriarchy Chapter 32 –

“The Mother-Wound is the emotional trauma and distress experienced by someone of any gender, when that part of society that has lived their lives small tries to shape the lives of others with rules and rigid roles, so they continue the cycle. And pack their wings up before they’ve even learned how to fly.”

Is Period Leave Necessary?

I write the following based on my experience of period pain. These are my opinions and they do not represent the opinions of other women because every woman’s experience is unique. I think every womans voice matters and that discussions will help bring a policy that has flexibility and provides leeway to those who need it.

What I think helps women with period pain at work

Finding Positivity | After

Dear Readers,

I invite you to After – A public YouTube playlist with videos that help me find positivity after I watch the distressing news on Manipur these days.

I’ve been looking for videos that speak and are still enjoyable enough for after-the-news viewing and will add them to this playlist. Particularly videos with ideas that can take India forward and spread good values, kindness and happiness.