Finding Positivity | After

Dear Readers,

I invite you to After – A public YouTube playlist with videos that help me find positivity after I watch the distressing news on Manipur these days.


The news is quite stressful at times and yet we need to watch it to understand what goes on. But we need more. Interesting discussions and journalism that is light and yet informative, and most of all something to laugh at.

I’ve been looking for videos that speak and are still enjoyable enough for after-the-news viewing and will add them to this playlist. Particularly videos with ideas that can take India forward and spread good values, kindness and happiness.

If you see a few dance and music videos here – please do join in. And if that’s not enough singing for you, I invite you the join a community singing challenge that you can run by yourself at home – The Sing-With-Someone Project.

I originally called this playlist ‘No Politics Please’ and then changed it as I felt that ‘After’ was a better name, because I watch these videos to stay positive after I watch the news.

One of the best things we can all do to combat negativity is to spread happiness and kindness. And it’s easy. All we need to do is BE happy and kind. We will all make mistakes but will learn better if we’re open to the idea that learning is a life-long journey.

This is one thing we can all do for ourselves. And for our nation that, in my opinion, desperately needs a very strong dose of kindness and caring for fellow citizens at this current time. A kindness that is steady and spread out so wide that it helps people build bridges and find common ground amid difference.

A Viewing Recommendation – Watch these videos in 10 or 15 minutes slots and spread the viewing over a few days. If you’re like me and need a good dose of off-device time every day, this will help you.

Collaborators by Invite

I will be inviting friends to collaborate with me on this project according to the terms published below.

Each collaborator will need to email me the following:

  1. A one-line biodata.
  2. A one-or-two-line comment on any of the videos already in this playlist.
  3. Links to YouTube videos that are – informative and promote logical and thought-out discussions without politics, religion, and hate speech – promote social cohesion, tolerance, and equality.

I’ll invite one collaborator at a time as it’s the first time I’m doing this and need to be sure it’s at a pace I can cope with. Guidelines on collaboration will be updated here as this moves along.

Looking forward to watching what you watch on YouTube!

Published by Anitaelise

Anitaelise teaches piano lessons at Anitaelise Piano Studio and writes poetry and essays at The Relaxed Housekeeper. The blogs - and are written and owned by her and published in accordance with the copyright notice at the footer of each blog.

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